At the last Limes Congress in Ingolstadt it was announced that next XXIV Limes Congress will be held in Serbia in September 2018.
Now it is our honor to invite you to participate in this event in Viminacium (Stari Kostolac) in the Roman province Moesia Superior. Welcome!
Key info:
Main organiser: Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
Time and place: September 2018 at Belgrade and Archaeological Park Viminacium (
Important Excursions: Pannonian section of the frontier, Moesian Section of the Frontier
Exhibitions: Roman cities and forts along Danube – Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade
Official language of the Congress: English
First Circular – January 2018
Registration form for participants (MS Word format)
Second Circular – June 2018
Congress program
Limes Congres 2018 – Book of abstracts
Limes Congress Proceedings and Deadlines
Registration with papers and abstract submission are now closed.
Registration for the congress is now possible only as participant without contribution.
Limes Congress Published Proceedings (PDF Download)
Contact Information
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For any congress related info please contact: or
Important information about Frontiers of the Roman Empire in Serbia
Miomir Korać, Snežana Golubović, Nemanja Mrđić, Gordana Jeremić, Stefan Pop-Lazić
With introduction of Sonja Jilek and David Breeze
Frontiers of the Roman Empire – Roman Limes in Serbia
Granice Rimske imperije – Rimski limes u Srbiji
Single page version
Facing pages version
Organizer: Institute of Archaeology
Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Knez Mihailova 35/IV
11.000 Belgrade, Serbia