Download Guidelines for publishing papers from the limes Congress in PDF
Deadline for submission: May 31st 2019
Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade and the Editorial staff of the Proceedings of the 24th Limes Congress are obliged to apply guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. By applying these guidelines, complete editing of scientific periodicals is determined, quality of periodicals is promoted and their integration into the international system of exchanging academic information shall become more complete.
No more than 30.000 characters (including spaces), incl. bibliography and footnotes
10 illustrations max. (see below)
List of figure captions (max. 300 characters each)
Sources of figures: For each illustration name the source (i.e. reference for publication) and ensure an unrestricted copyright. Because of copyright problems, please avoid images downloaded from the Internet that cannot be adequately attributed. For use of Google satellite imagery please use their guidelines for citations.
Languages of the proceedings will be: English, German, French.
Summary can be in English, German, French or Spanish / mother tongue and has to be other than the manuscript language (max. 1.000 characters)
Author information: name, institution, address and e-mail address
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please avoid text formatting, word divisions, multiple spaces, tabulator etc. Tables should be created with minimum formatting options. Do not format text and images in word or pdf as final design since it cannot be so. All text will follow the same publication scheme and your text cannot be different.
Manuscripts shall be accepted only if they are written and submitted according to the rules stated above. Should author not agree to the requests of the editorial staff, does not accept remarks of the reviewers or the proof-reader, paper shall not be printed. If the articles are being accepted, the editors have the right to make necessary changes and reductions after discussing these with the authors. It is not allowed to change papers after reviews have been submitted, unless they are in accordance with these remarks. The Editorial staff holds the right to demand illustrations of lesser quality to be replaced with illustrations of better quality if necessary.
For additional explanations, please contact the secretary Nemanja Mrđić, PhD.
Address: Arheološki institut, Kneza Mihaila 35/IV 11000 Beograd;
phone: 381 (0)11 2637 191; mobile +381 60 6362652;
e-mail to:
The Editorial Staff of
Papers submitted to the editorial staff of the Proceedings of the 24th Limes Congress must be formed in a standard way. Each paper submitted has to contain: title; author’s name; name of the institution (affiliation); abstract; key words; main text; resume; illustrations with captions; bibliography; contact address.
1. Titles need to be short and clear, describing content in the best possible way. Words used in titles should be appropriate for indexing and web-searching. If there are no such words within titles, it is advised to add a subtitle. Titles are to be written in the fifth or sixth line, under the top margin, bold and with font size 14 (pts).
2. Author(s) should give their full name(s), including first name, surname and middle initial.
3. Autor(s) need to state official names and addresses of their employees, including names and addresses of employees which conducted research that lead to the results published. With complex institutions, complete title is to be named (ex.: Belgrade University, Faculty of Philosophy, Archaeology Department, Belgrade).
4. Abstract, consisting of 100‒250 words, describes shortly content of the paper. Within abstracts, it is advised to use terms convenient for indexing and web-searching. Abstracts should offer data about aims, methods, results and conclusions of the research.
5. Key words need to be terms which describe paper’s content in the best way, suitable for indexing and web-searching. They should be named according to a widely accepted international source (lists, indexes, dictionary, thesaurus), like list of key-words Web of Science. The number of key-words should not exceed ten words.
6. The length of papers should not exceed 30.000 characters, DIN A4, including footnotes and illustrations. The main text should be written in Times New Roman or Arial (12 pts). Main text should not contain illustrations. They are to be submitted as separate files.
7. Manuscripts should be submitted in English language, German, French. Papers submitted should have an abstract and a resume written in some other language.
10. Illustrations (photographs, tables, drawings, graphs etc.) should be submitted in a proposed manner (see below). Captions should be submitted bilingually (using the language in which the manuscript was written and in English or some other of the proposed languages).
Illustrations should be submitted in as separate files.
Accepted file formats are TIFF, JPG.
Color and black and white halftone images must be saved at 300 dpi (dots per inch) at approximately the final size. Combination figures (continuous tone and line/vector elements: a photograph with labelling for example) must be saved at a minimum of 600 dpi.
JPG-files must be saved with maximum quality and low compression.
Plans, graphics and drawings
Please submit illustrations made with GIS, CAD or drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, Coral-Draw, etc. as PDF files and consider the requirements for resolution for the embedded pictures (see above).
Diagrams: Please submit diagrams and graphics made with programs like Microsoft Excel, Word etc. as EPS-, JPG, TIFF or PDF-files. Always submit a PDF file and if possible also the original file (for example the Excel-file).
Please avoid
Images downloaded from the Internet. They tend to have a low resolution and will not be suitable for printing
Export to Windows-EMF/WMF (PDF/EPS should be preferred)
11. Quoted literature should include bibliographic sources (articles, books etc.) and it should be submitted as a separate part of the manuscript, as a list of references. It is a part of every scientific article, with precisely named bibliographic references which were quoted. Bibliography should be written in a proposed manner, depending on standards precisely described in this instruction. Bibliography should be written using the language and alphabet in which it was originally published.
12. Bibliography’s structural elements (author’s name, title of work, source etc.) should be written according to standard forms of quoting.
The following examples describe the most frequently quoted kinds of references:
Percival 1981
J. Percival, The Roman villa (London 1981)
Hayes 2008
J. W. Hayes, Roman Pottery. Fine-Ware Imports, Agora 32 (Princeton 2008)
Flohr – Wilson 2016
M. Flohr – A. Wilson (eds.), The economy of Pompeii, Oxford Studies on the Roman
Economy (Oxford 2016)
Lichardus et al. 2000
J. Lichardus – A. Fol – L. Getov – F. Bertemes – R. Echt – R. Katinčarov – I. K. Iliev,
Forschungen in der Mikroregion von Drama (Südostbulgarien). Zusammenfassung der
Hauptergebnisse der bulgarisch-deutschen Grabungen in den Jahren 1983–1999 (Bonn 2000)
Muller 1997
A. Muller (ed.), Le moulage en terre cuite dans l’Antiquité. Création et production dérivée, fabrication et diffusion. Actes du XVIIIe Colloque du Centre de Recherches Archéologiques – Lille III (7–8 déc. 1995), Collection UL3 (Lille 1997)
Tomei 2006
M. A. Tomei (ed.), Roma. Memorie dal sottosuolo. Ritrovamenti archeologici 1980/2016.
Exhibition catalogue Rome (Rome 2006)
Articles in journals
Benjamin 1988
I. Benjamin, The Meaning of the Terms Limes and Limitanei, JRS 78, 1988, 125-147
Articles in books / conference proceedings / catalogues
Vasić 2006
M. Vasić, Stibadium in Romuliana and Mediana, in: M. Vasić (ed.), Felix Romvliana 50 years of archaeological excavations, Zaječar, October 27‒29, 2003 (Belgrade 2006) 69‒75.
In the footnotes
Abbreviated reference + indication of pages/figures etc. Do not write “page” or “p.” but give
only the numbers, for example:
Jongman 1988, 23–25
Smith 2015, 118 fig. 17; 190 fig. 28
Payne 1940, 97 nos. 6–8 pls. 29. 131
Themelis 1994, 23-28 pls. 48. 50. 54–56
Submitting papers
13. When submitting, the author should write his/her full contact address in a separate file: address of the institution and e-mail address. If there are several authors, only the contact address of the first author should be written. Author is also obligated to name title and code of the project, i.e. name of the program under which the article came to be being, as well as the name of the institution which financed the project.
14. Each of the papers submitted to the editorial staff of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH LIMES CONGRESS shall be given to anonymous reviewers. The editorial staff also decides about the categorization of positively evaluated manuscripts, according to the criteria named in the Akta o uređivanju naučnih časopisa (Acta about the editing of scientific periodicals).
15. Manuscripts accepted for printing should be submitted to the editorial secretary.
We prefer all the materials to be submitted via E-mail and alternative delivery services as Dropbox ( or WeTransfer ( for the illustrations. Address for your papers remains address of the Congress: Please put our personal mails in CC ( and
If you wish to use old-fashion delivery methods, please send your texts, figures and tables in electronic form on CD/DVD/BLUE RAY discs and as print-out (of the submitted file) by 31.05.2019 to:
Snežana Golubović, Institute of Archaeology, Kneza Mihaila 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
– Printed version should be written as follows: 1. title of work; 2. name, middle initial and surname of the author; 3. author’s affiliation; 4. abstract; 5. key words; 6. text body; 7. resume; 8. bibliography; 9. illustrations; 10. captions; 11. author’s address (address or e-mail address).
– Digital version should be divided into several files: 1. Word file with the first six parts of paper (1. title; 2. author’s name, middle initial and surname; 3. author’s affiliation; 4. abstract; 5. key words; 6. text body); 2. Word file with resume; 3. Word file with quoted bibliography; 4. Folder with graphic illustrations; 5. Word file with captions; 6. Word file with author’s address.